Üner Tan
Antidromic Response. Latency Distribution of Cat Pyramidal Tract Cells: Three Groups with Respective Extracellular Spike Properties
Eajm January 1980:1-12
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Şefik Güney, Aşkın Güven, Zeki Bakır, Sinan Kazancıoğlu
The Measurement of the Normal Renal Size at the Moment of Nephrogram By the Simon's Methot
Eajm January 1980:13-20
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Ömer Parlak, Necip Alp, Mehmet Öztopçular
Une Travail Sur Les Alterations Electroencephalographiques Et Electrocardiagraphiques Dans Les Hemorragies Meningees Spontanee
Eajm January 1980:21-32
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Murat Çelik, Süleyman Aktaş
The Effect of Physical Therapy on the Ferguson Angle in the Patients with Low Back Pain Due to Reasons of the Soft Tissues and Inadeguate Muscle
Eajm January 1980:33-44
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İsmail Kara, Hasan Gacar, Fatma Göçer
An Experimental Study About the Toxicological Effects Isoproterenol on the Heart
Eajm January 1980:45-52
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Kemal Karakaş, Mete Kesim, Durkaya Ören
Die Diafragma Hernien (Wegen Eines Strangulen Diafragma Hernie-Vorgangs)
Eajm January 1980:53-60
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Süleyman Aktaş, Ferruh Çetinkaya
Comparison of Electrical Stimulation with Standart Rehabilitation Metods in the Treatment of Foot Droop in Hemiplegie
Eajm January 1980:61-72
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Selahattin Leloğlu, Şerafettin Yılmaz
Outbreak of the Waterborn Epidemi in Erzurum
Eajm January 1980:73-78
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İsmail Kara, Hasan Gacar,
An Experimental Study Concerning the Comphcatons Seen By Using of Cyclophosphamıd Invivo Depending By VitamineTJ 85
Eajm January 1980:79-86
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İsmail Kara, Hasan Gacar,Fatma Göçer
An Experimental Study Abaout Pharmacological and ToxicologicalEffects of Cyclophosphaid
Eajm January 1980:95-104
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M. Münip Yeğin, Mustafa Ünaldı, Koptagel İlgün, M. Yaşar Çil
An Investigation on Blood Lipid Levels in Islamic Fast
Eajm January 1980:105-120
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