Gülten Gürel
The Blood Chalesterol Value of the Healty Adults
Eajm March 1978:111-120
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Ercan Tuncel
The Findings of Femoral Arteriography in Patients with Endemic Fluorosis
Eajm March 1978:121-128
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Mehmet Arı Balcı, Mehmet NadirSebahattin Ünsallar, Mehmet Öztopçular
Cerebral Angiography in Frontal Masses
Eajm March 1978:129-134
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Şefik Güney
Computerised Axial Tomography in Various İntracranial İnfections
Eajm March 1978:135-138
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Ahmet Çalık, Gülten GürelGülten Tanyeri
The Ratio of Anemia Due to Hemoglobin
Eajm March 1978:139-148
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Teksin Eryılmaz, Metin Yılmaz
A Rare case of Megalocornea
Eajm March 1978:149-152
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Mehmet Nadir, Mehmet Arı Balcı Yalçın Yılıkoğlu, Sebahattin ÜnsallarHasan Yener, Mehmet Öztopçular
The Patients with Cerebrovascular Accidents in our Clinic
Eajm March 1978:153-162
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Ercan Tuncel
Somu Observation of Radiological Changes on the Bones of the population Between 5-20 Age Groups at the Endemic Fluorosis Area ofDoğubeyazıt
Eajm March 1978:163-170
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Gürbüz Kayaalp, Güler Aksu
Effects of Anabohsing Agents on the Healing of Surgical Limbal Wounds?
Eajm March 1978:171-178
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Kemal Karakaş, Burhanettin Savan
In den operationen von Total-Vagotomie und die Prö-und Post Operatien Wandlungen in der Magen Saure
Eajm March 1978:179-186
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Zeki Çıkman, Nurer AkbilekCengiz Taylan, Selim Hüsrevoğlu
A Case of the Apex Syndrome
Eajm March 1978:187-190
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Ayla Balcı, Şefik GüneyLütfü Sözütok, Feriyaz KaracaHüseyin Tapalı
Alkaptonuria (A Case Report and Review Literature)
Eajm March 1978:191-198
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Mehmet Arı Balcı, Sebahattin ÜnsalarMehmet Nadir, Mehmet Öztopçular
Visualiation of Vertebro- Basilar System in 185 Cases which Applicated Indirect Retrograd Vertebro Basilar Angography From Left Axillary Artery
Eajm March 1978:199-206
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Alirıza Özgül, Zeki ÇıkmanCumhure Altınışık, Cahit Yılmaz
A Case of Phacotonezis Showing Pecularidy is Recognized
Eajm March 1978:207-208
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Mehmet Öztopçular, Mehmet Arı BalcıSait Yıldırmak, Yalçın YılıkoğluMehmet Nadir
A Study About Visualization of the Posterior Cerebral Artery in the Carotid Angiography
Eajm March 1978:209-221
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