Yaşar Kuyucu, İsmet Pamir
Die Anomalien Und Variationeiz Der Nierenarterien I.
Eajm March 1980:121-130
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Yaşar Eryılmaz, Mustafa Odyakmaz,Yılmaz Bayraktar, Erbil Ergenekon,Nimet Yavilioğlu
The Investiqation of Infertility Between the Patients with Varicosel
Eajm March 1980:131-138
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Teksin Eryılmaz, Yaşar Gülen, Hüseyin Berberler, Nusret Baş
A Case of Bilaterally Lens Luxation Into the Anterior Chanber
Eajm March 1980:139-142
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Kemal Agun
A Study for the Tuberculosis Education in Elementary Schaolsin central County of Erzurum
Eajm March 1980:143-150
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Fatma Göçer, Hasan Gacar,İsmail Kara
Experimental Study on the Cardiovascular Histamin H1 ve H2 Receptors in the Cats
Eajm March 1980:151-160
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İrfan Erdemli
Experimentally the Changes in the Cerebellum of the Guine-Pigs which Given Alchool A Long Time
Eajm March 1980:161-168
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Akın Yıldız, Nimet Yavilioğlu,Sabri Güngör
In the Structure of Anti-Intermediate Filament Smooth Muscle Antibodies
Eajm March 1980:169-172
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M. Münip Yeğin
Die Studium Von Biochemie in Der Türkei und Die Vergleichung Einige Auslaendiche Status Mit Unserer Empfehlungen
Eajm March 1980:173-176
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Hasan Yıldırım, Yalçın Yılıkoğlu,Ömer Parlak
Acupuncture and Classic Medical Therapy at the Tromboembolic Patients
Eajm March 1980:177-184
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Kemal Agun, Vehbi Tercan
The Detections For the Leve of Serum Iron in Tuberculosis
Eajm March 1980:185-192
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M. Münip Yeğin, Asri Satılmış
Die Blutungszeitmestimmung Bei Den Gesunden Einwohnern Von Erzurum
Eajm March 1980:193-196
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Yaşar Eryılmaz, Şükrü Öztürk,Nimet Yavilioğlu, Yılmaz Bayraktar,Erbil Ergenekon
The Relationship Between the Activity of Acidphosphathase of the Prostate and Sperm Count
Eajm March 1980:197-201
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