Emel Evren
A Research on the Deterrminat?ion of the Ili?ness and Deat?h Causes of Ch?ildren Bet?ween 0-6 Years Old in Erzurum
Eajm July 1994:527-538
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Seher Yalın Ergüney
The Traditional Patient Cure Application
Eajm July 1994:539-546
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Adnan Okur, Nihat Tosun, Naci Ezirmik, Akın Levent, Selami Suma, Bülent Alpaslan
Acet?abular Torsion and Hip Inst?ability Index
Eajm July 1994:547-554
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Akın Levent, Mahir Erkul, Adnan Okur, Dursun Dede, Çetin Çelenk, Durkaya Ören
In Acut Cholecystitis, Ultrasonographic Evaluation in Early Preopcrative Period
Eajm July 1994:555-560
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Adnan Okur, Nihat Tosun, Ali Okur, Naci Ezirmik, Akın Levent,
The Evalulation of the Soft Ti?ssue Pathologies in Congenital Dislocation of the Hip Through Computerized Tomography
Eajm July 1994:561-568
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Recep Akdağ, Naci Ceviz, Behzat Özkan, Menduh Akyüz
Use of Intraosscous Route in Emergency Intervention in Children. Report of 5 Cases
Eajm July 1994:569-574
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Recep Akdağ, Vesile Meltem Energin, A. Gazi Kalaycı, Cahit Karakelleoğlu
Routine Hematological Reference Values in 7 to 14 Years-Old Children Living at an Intermediate Altitude (1869 Meter, Erzurum, Turkey)
Eajm July 1994:575-584
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Zühal Altay, Süleyman Aktaş, Lale Cerrahoğlu, Kazım Şenel
EMG Biofeedback Applications in Treationg Lower Extremities of HemipIegic Patients
Eajm July 1994:585-594
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Zühal Altay, Süleyman Aktaş, Adnan Okur, H. Zeki Tonbul
In The Patients with Psoriazis, Peripheral Arthritis, Sakroilitis and HLA-B27
Eajm July 1994:595-602
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Nergiz Küçük, Üner Tan
Epilectic Activities on Cerabral Cortex Induced By Topically Appliled Lidociane and Antigonism with Beta Blocker Drug Metprolol
Eajm July 1994:603-608
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Medine Güllüce, Ahmet Ayyıldız, Selahattin Leloğlu, Selahattin Çelebi
Bacteriologic Examination of the Raw Milk Produced in Erzurum and Kars Province
Eajm July 1994:609-616
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H. Ergin Dülger, Mehmet Bostancı, Mehmet Ali Çakmak
Accident at Work
Eajm July 1994:617-620
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Seher Ergüney, Sevgi Öçbek
Ideas of University St?udents About AIDS
Eajm July 1994:621-628
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Mete Özdikici, Hanifi Yıldırım, Zeki Bakır
The Dianosis of Hydrops Fet?alis Case withUllrasonography in Prenatal Period (Case Report)
Eajm July 1994:629-632
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Mete Özdikici, Hanefi Yıldırım,Bahri Şen, Zeki Bakır
Dandy-Walker Malformat?ion (Case Report)
Eajm July 1994:633-636
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Mete Özdikici, Hanefi Yıldırım,Volkan Tanı, Zeki Bakır
Cerebellar Cystic Asrocytoma (Case Report)
Eajm July 1994:637-640
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Kuddusi Cengiz, İsmail İşlek, Ramiz A. Aliyev
Seizures Related to Recombinant Human Eriyt?hropoitein Treatment in Chror?ically Dialyzed Patient
Eajm July 1994:641-646
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Ömer Bozdoğan
Hecmatologic Changes and the Arrhythmia Observed in Experimental Myocardial Infarction
Eajm July 1994:647-662
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Enver Altaş, Fehmi Döner, İbrahim Sarı
Malignant? Mixed Tumors of Parot?id Gland (Hist?opat?hologic S?udies of Two Cases)
Eajm July 1994:663-666
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Fehmi Döner, Aziz Öztürk, İbrahim Sarı
Tonsil Tuberculosis
Eajm July 1994:667-671
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